Saturday, March 26, 2011

been a while

hello, I am posting this now,
(mom here)
Tara is now 1st grade, almost graduating to 2nd. :)

Unfortunately Melina the desert tortoise is now gone.
The replacements are Melina 2, and Dot (these are Sulcata breed, and get much much larger)
... will post more and pics with time.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween costumes

2009 October costumes

Summer 2009... not quite halloween! :D just for fun

October 2008 costumes


October 2007 costumes

Melina the Desert Tortoise :D

This is Melina's indoor vivarium with a full spectrum light and heat lamp .... until she is big enough to be outside while we are not here! :D ( and we finish the enclosure with the chicken wire... she needs to be at least 6 inches.

Melina in her outdoor area.... not for a while can she move there permanently ..

Friday, August 14, 2009

First Week of Kindergarten

I have begun kindergarten. This week has been exhausting *my parents think I am anyway* but a lot of fun!

I have a great teacher, her name is Mrs Miller. Here I have posted a picture of her and I on meet the Teacher night! :D

Mrs Miller, my teacher!
Ms Tobias, the principalThe crazy first day Kindergarten lineup
My second day of school!
The Incredibles... with play doh
snorkel gear :D

Monday, July 27, 2009


Today I visited my old daycare with my little brother. We had fun playing outside until it became too hot.
Then we had lunch at McDonalds and ate ice cream of course.
I am thinking about my kindergarten, I hope my teacher is nice and good. My mommy is going to send me to kindergarten. Only two weeks until school starts. What is my teachers name?
I will find out at meet the teacher day next week.
I am excited to see my new teacher and my friends.
And I am so ready to go to kindergarten, ready for show and tell, and to see the lunchroom and cafeteria. And to see the playground and have fun with my friends on it.

I have some new clothes for school.
How many friends are there, is there a lot? more another day

Tuesday, July 21, 2009