Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween costumes

2009 October costumes

Summer 2009... not quite halloween! :D just for fun

October 2008 costumes


October 2007 costumes

Melina the Desert Tortoise :D

This is Melina's indoor vivarium with a full spectrum light and heat lamp .... until she is big enough to be outside while we are not here! :D ( and we finish the enclosure with the chicken wire... she needs to be at least 6 inches.

Melina in her outdoor area.... not for a while can she move there permanently ..

Friday, August 14, 2009

First Week of Kindergarten

I have begun kindergarten. This week has been exhausting *my parents think I am anyway* but a lot of fun!

I have a great teacher, her name is Mrs Miller. Here I have posted a picture of her and I on meet the Teacher night! :D

Mrs Miller, my teacher!
Ms Tobias, the principalThe crazy first day Kindergarten lineup
My second day of school!
The Incredibles... with play doh
snorkel gear :D

Monday, July 27, 2009


Today I visited my old daycare with my little brother. We had fun playing outside until it became too hot.
Then we had lunch at McDonalds and ate ice cream of course.
I am thinking about my kindergarten, I hope my teacher is nice and good. My mommy is going to send me to kindergarten. Only two weeks until school starts. What is my teachers name?
I will find out at meet the teacher day next week.
I am excited to see my new teacher and my friends.
And I am so ready to go to kindergarten, ready for show and tell, and to see the lunchroom and cafeteria. And to see the playground and have fun with my friends on it.

I have some new clothes for school.
How many friends are there, is there a lot? more another day

Tuesday, July 21, 2009